Post by Yumiko Tenjo on Dec 7, 2007 21:15:05 GMT -5
"I'm normally with Haru relaxin' or doin' somethin' else...I actually have no clue where he is right now, but he was napping last time I knew."She said wondring now where he ws, but didn't mind where.She begn twirling her hair in her finger."Gosh I hate when I do that, it normally doesn't happen, but there must be something different bt u, then others hat I hang round."
Post by Lord Blue Dragonal on Dec 8, 2007 0:20:32 GMT -5
He was listening to what she was saying, "Haru?" He asks, "Who's Haru?" He wasn't familiar with the name since he never met him before.
Post by Yumiko Tenjo on Dec 8, 2007 9:25:05 GMT -5
"I don't really have an explanation for him, he's just my Luv, he has sister's if u know one of the Concrete Angel's then u should know him, but otherwise I don't know how to explain to u who he is....U get all that?"She said answering back.
Post by Lord Blue Dragonal on Dec 8, 2007 20:53:52 GMT -5
He shugs, "So Haru is your boyfriend, and I got all that." He have no idea who the angels are, but he doesn't care. He want to be relaxed so he can enjoy his time. He lay down with his head on the tree's root and have his arm arcoss Kelik's back, resting his eyes.
Post by Yumiko Tenjo on Dec 10, 2007 5:51:47 GMT -5
"Ya, Haru is my man..the best I can ever have!!"She got down on the ground and sat by him tlking o him as if he were a great friend in the past and has missed all that happened while he was gone.
Post by Lord Blue Dragonal on Dec 12, 2007 22:08:48 GMT -5
"I with you luck on your relationship with him." He smiles and softly snoring. The snore wasn't loud or distrubing, but it was a pleasent melody-like snore. Kelik smiles in his sleep and he knows that melody even when they're sleeping.
Post by Yumiko Tenjo on Dec 14, 2007 5:37:31 GMT -5
"Well, I guess u 2 need your slapp.Maybe u should think of that before u go out for wlk or something else like that."She started to wlk away slowly, & quietly so they wouldn't wake up.