Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 12:27:40 GMT -5
Caleb slipped towards Kalen his mind focused on his brothers his eyes fixed on Kalen. His ears were peeled for movement from Sasuke. [/center] Sasuke chuckled coldly. "How dare you compare me to someone as weak as you!" He snarled as his mangekyou changed. A fifth yin appeared. He smirked. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 12:31:40 GMT -5
" weak? me I'm not weak Sasuke the joy you have the 5th yin what am i supossed to do run. you don't scare me" Itachi growled seeing the the 5th yin he was slightly afriad but did not show it.
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 12:40:35 GMT -5
"You don't fool me. I can tell your scared... but then.. why am I showing off to you. I never left for power." Sasuke smirked as his right eye became a meer one yin and his left stayed black. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 12:42:39 GMT -5
" I'm not scared really" Itachi said not sure what to do anymore. He just hugs Sasuke missing his brother. " then why did you leave?"
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 12:52:32 GMT -5
Sasuke growled but didn't pull away. The truth was he'd left for Itachi... he'd left for Sakura. Infact his whole 'Team' had left for the ones they loved. [/center] Kalen stood against the tree unmoving. It was as if he was frozen. His eyes widened as he saw something in the distance. [/center] Caleb came up next to Kalen and sliding his left hand behind his back pulled him away from the tree and towards him. "I'm sorry. Just come back." He murmered in Kalen's ear as they too hugged. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 12:57:44 GMT -5
Itachi didn't let go still holding him lost in thought once again.
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 13:02:52 GMT -5
Sasuke's eyes looked round to Takuya and Kakinazun who stood back in the shadows. They were shocked by all this and nodded seeing his almost pleading eyes. He gulped slightly then brought his arms up and hugged Itachi back dropping his sword. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 13:09:07 GMT -5
Itachi jerks a bit feeling Sasuke's arms hug him back and hugs tigher still lost in thought.
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 13:27:49 GMT -5
Sasuke closed his eyes as tears slowly appeared in them. He nearly pulled away but stopped himself. "I'm sorry." He murmured. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 13:36:11 GMT -5
" sorry ? about what sasuke" Itachi asked holding him still smelling salt.
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 13:47:52 GMT -5
"For this." He muttered drawning his other sword and pushing it into Itachi's spine. "I may not have left for power. But I got it. So I may as well do what I should have done so many years ago." He snarled. Sasuke didn't care that as the blade pierced through Itachi's body it hit his own ribs. Infact as the droplet of blood bubbled up at the corner of his mouth he smiled. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 13:56:57 GMT -5
Itachi intakes a sharp breath as the sword though his spine still holding Sasuke as the sword gose through both. " i guess this was supposed to happen still love you Sasuke" Itach's breathing slows up as blood come out his mouth as well.
Yuuzen jerks feeling both father's chakra actting up and crys not knowing what was worng.
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 14:09:51 GMT -5
Caleb's head flickered round. He saw Sasuke and Itachi both holding each other together Sasuke's sword through Itachi's back. He shivered nearly screaming. It was Kalen who leapt into action that time. [/center] Kalen pulled away from his brother and started to do multiple handsigns. "I. Will not. Let ANYONE die!" He said as his eyes shot open in mangekyou for the first time. He ran at Sasuke. [/center] Sasuke's head rested on Itachi's shoulder as he slowly and carefully pulled the sword out. "But why?" He murmured wiping his blooded mouth on Itachi's shoulder. [/center]
Post by tsundae and itachi on Feb 15, 2008 14:14:55 GMT -5
" because when you love... someone you'll do anything... i alwys loved you.. because you ... are the reason... i lived for.. i wanted a brother.. to love and to love me back.. i got you" Itachi said
Post by Orochimaru. Sasuke & Sons on Feb 15, 2008 14:23:54 GMT -5
Sasuke's eyes stung with tears as he heard Itachi speak. His sword fell to the floor as his hand slid to the wound on Itachi's front. "But why did you do it?" He muttered in Itachi's ear his hand covering Itachi's wounded blocknig as much of the blood he could. [/center] Caleb's hands grabbed Kalen pulling him back. He didn't like this either but this was something Sasuke and Itachi had to sort out themselves. [/center]